Awakened by Sin Read online

Page 34

  She nodded emphatically. “Best hate fuck ever.”

  He frowned. “I don’t like that term.”

  “Fine. Best purge fuck ever.”

  “I still don’t like it, but it’ll have to do.”

  She kissed him. “How about you’re the best purge a girl could ask for?”

  “Better,” he murmured. “I’m glad you came to me.”

  “Me too.”

  She wasn’t sure how long they stayed wrapped in each other, but when he carried her out of the water, she moaned in protest.

  “You’re falling asleep on me.”

  She shivered as he moved through the penthouse. He stepped into the shower and washed away the chlorine and all traces of the purge. He shampooed her hair while she floated in the throes of her high. He wrapped her in a warm, comfy robe and placed her in bed. He slid in beside her and pulled the heavy duvet over them. He buried his face in her hair as he wrapped her close from behind.

  “I ripped your dress,” he said.

  “I think we both did,” she mumbled.

  “You need clothes,” he said.

  She wasn’t worried about it. She was warm, calm, safe. Nothing else mattered.


  Carmen opened her eyes and found herself alone in bed. She sat up and bit back a moan. She felt battered, but deliciously so. The room was empty, curtains drawn. She slipped out of bed and sucked in a breath. Her ass and pussy throbbed (no surprise), and her back and legs felt as if she had been beaten with a cane. She hobbled into the bathroom and turned on the light. Despite the pain, she was smiling. Apparently, her purge carried through to the next day. It was a fucking miracle. She turned her back to the mirror, but there were no bruises, not even one blemish despite their rough play last night. She washed her face and brushed her teeth before she noticed a pile of clothes waiting for her. Jeans and a familiar sleeveless turtleneck and even her bra from Marcus’s house. She slipped into the clothes and slicked her hair into a bun. She was still decked out in diamonds. It never occurred to her what she must have looked like, fisting him with diamond rings on every finger. It must have been fucking hot. Despite the fact she wore no makeup, she thought she looked damn presentable.

  She slipped into her diamond stilettos and winced as the new position tilted her hips, making her calves ache. Next time she would make sure he fucked her on a carpet at least. She walked out of the bedroom and down a short hallway that led into the main part of the penthouse suite, which was now filled with sunlight.

  Marcus stood with his back to her, looking out at The Strip as he talked on the phone. He was dressed in a different suit than the one he wore last night. Today’s ensemble was a pale blue number tailored to perfection. She paused to admire the long lines of his body as he set up a meeting for this afternoon and hung up. He turned, showing that he wore a white and blue pinstriped shirt opened at the collar, no tie. He looked amazing.

  “You’re awake,” he said as he strode toward her.

  “How did you get my clothes?”

  “I went home and got them for you.”

  “I thought you sent Mickey or Frederick.”

  He frowned. “I don’t want anyone pawing through your underwear drawer.”

  He cupped the side of her face as he kissed her. He tasted sweet and tropical. She slid her tongue into his mouth, seeking more. He gripped her hip and pulled away.

  “What did you eat?” she asked.


  When she licked her bottom lip, his eyes fixated on her mouth. “Yummy.”

  His eyes were mossy green and mesmerizing in the blazing sun.

  “How do you feel?”

  “I’m a little sore.” Understatement, but he was a worry wort and she didn’t want him to hold back next time. “But I feel marvelous.” She paused and then added, “I’m hungry.”

  He searched her eyes. “You’re fine?”


  “I didn’t know if you’d feel differently this morning.”

  “I feel fantastic.”

  “I’m glad.”

  She cupped his cheek. “You didn’t do anything wrong. If anything, you did everything right. You helped a lot.”

  “Always happy to lend a helping hand.”

  She tipped her head back and laughed. “And to think I was thinking about hiring a mute gigolo for sex services.”


  His disgruntled expression made her snicker. “Most guys are sexier with their mouths closed.”

  “And what about me?”

  She pressed her finger against his lips. “You weave magic with that fucking mouth.”

  Even as his pupils dilated, he stepped back. “You’re sore, and you’re hungry. Let’s feed you.”

  “Okay.” She reached for the button of her jeans and laughed when he cursed and backed away as if she was contagious. “Kidding.”

  The dining table had a fruit tray, toast, oatmeal, and bacon. She winced as she sat and reached for a strip of bacon. Marcus poured her a glass of orange juice and placed an assortment of fruit on a tiny plate. He was careful and deliberate in everything he did whether it was making sandwiches or choosing fruit. She was charmed and smitten and liking him more and more. Marcus was capable of beating his chest with the best of them, but he chose a laidback demeanor, which fascinated her.

  “You’re a control freak,” she observed.

  He paused in the act of shaking two pain pills from a bottle. “Excuse me?”

  “Last night, you said you learned control at a young age.” She speared a piece of cantaloupe and raised a brow. “So, spill.”

  He placed the pills beside her plate. “I didn’t have control over my life when I was younger. The only thing I could control was myself, so that’s what I did.”

  She reached for another piece of bacon between pieces of fruit and ignored his grimace. “You mean, when you grew up in foster homes?”


  His tone was perfect—even and smooth. His expression was composed and unruffled. Even his body language was fluid as he spooned oatmeal into a bowl, sprinkled raspberries and blueberries artfully over it, and placed in front of her. Nothing on the surface suggested he was uncomfortable in the least, but she sensed it. She didn’t want to be the girl who thought because he slept with her that he had to spill everything, but she couldn’t help being curious.

  “What happened to your parents?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?” She downed the pain pills and accepted the spoon he offered, clearly indicating he wanted her to eat the oatmeal.

  “Never met my father, don’t know what happened to my mother. I was taken from her and put in state custody.” He sat at the head of the table and angled himself in her direction. “I was put in an institute before doing a round of foster homes.” He shrugged. “It’s inevitable that I would get mixed up with kids like Maddog and others connected to the underworld. It’s what happens to most strays.”

  Her spoon clattered to the table. “Stray?” she choked out in outrage. “You’re not a stray!”

  He grinned. “I’m not?”

  She smacked her hand on the table. “What are you smiling about? This isn’t funny!”

  “Carmen, that was a long time ago.”

  “You’re not a stray,” she muttered as she grabbed another piece of bacon. Just the thought of Marcus labeling himself like that pissed her off.

  “Strays don’t have family.”

  “Strays don’t have people, but you do! You have me and Gavin and Lyla…” Her voice trailed off. She sat back as it hit her. “That’s why you’re so loyal to Gavin. He’s your first family.”

  He stared at her for a long moment before he inclined his head. “Yes. Gavin’s stuck with me whether he likes it or not. I would never betray him.”

  Her eyes stung with tears. She looked down to hide them. “Right. Well, that means you aren’t a stray anymore. You have somewhere to go during the holidays
.” She silently vowed that even when this thing between them ended, their relationship would remain civil. Everyone needed family.


  She cleared her throat as she brushed invisible lint off her thigh. “Yeah?”

  He cupped her chin and lifted it so she couldn’t avoid his gaze. He examined her shimmery eyes and wiped away a tear that leaked out of the corner.

  “I’m fine,” he said.

  She nodded. “Yes, you are. I just… didn’t know.”

  He retracted his hand. “It’s not something I blab about.”

  Of course, he wouldn’t. She waved a hand. “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.” She grabbed her spoon and dug into her oatmeal. “Subject change. Do I snore?”

  He blinked. “What?”

  “Did I snore last night?”

  “No,” he said slowly.

  “Good to know. I do that when I’m really exhausted.”

  Her cell rang. When she looked around for it, Marcus rose and fetched it from her clutch. He glanced at the screen and his brows came together before he handed it to her. She answered on the last ring.


  “What kind of rock do you want?” Cormac Hart asked.


  “I was doing an interview, and you came up. Apparently, a picture of us is circulating the internet. I figure we’ll be engaged next, so what kind of rock do you want?”

  She didn’t even have to think about it. “I want a six-carat pink diamond ring.”

  She winked at Marcus who towered over her.

  “How much is that going to set me back?” Cormac asked.

  “Just one million,” she said airily.

  “Fuck that. I’m never getting married. Hey, if Gavin isn’t cock-blocking, I have a friend who’s bugging the hell out of me about you. You want to meet the asshole?”

  Marcus didn’t look happy. She beamed at him. He was so dang cute.

  “I’m with someone, but thanks,” she said.

  “Not surprised. Only a matter of time before someone picked you up. You coming to my next fight?”

  “Sure. Just let me know when and where.”

  “Will do. Gotta go, babe.”

  “Bye, Con.” She hung up and scrolled through her messages.

  She had missed calls from Lyla, Mom, Maddie, Kiki, and Luci. Maddie was done with her test and wanted to do something. She sent her a quick text, asking if she wanted to do nails and hair before she texted Shonda.

  “Cormac Hart asked what kind of jewelry you want?” Marcus asked.

  “Some reporter asked him about us. There’s a picture of us on the internet from that party where you and I fucked in the laundry room. He was messing around, asking what kind of engagement ring I want.”

  “He calls you often?”

  “No, but we party from time to time. Con and I go way back.”

  Marcus sat. “How far back?”

  “I sponsored him when no one else would.”

  His brows shot up. “You sponsored a fighter?”

  “I believed in him. He had heart.” She shrugged. “I met him in my stripper days. He came in, and we clicked. He’s a good guy although he acts like a douche. I have a thing for underdogs.”

  “A stripper who invests in fighters, dates one of the wealthiest men in the state, is behind the most successful clubs and restaurants on The Strip, knows how to handle a gun, and looks like a supermodel…” Marcus shook his head. “Like I said, you scare me.”

  “You should be afraid,” she said loftily as she popped grapes in her mouth. “I’m a kamikaze with a cause.”

  He grinned. “That you are.”

  “My parents let me be who I wanted.” She ignored the dull ache in her chest. “My dad was an enforcer, so I know the good, bad, and ugly of Las Vegas. He kept me from it as best as he could. He told me I was a princess.” She smiled sadly as she stared out at The Strip, which lacked the punch and magic that it had at night. “He was a great dad. The best. If you think I’m a brat, blame him.”

  “I think he did a damn good job.”

  She rose from her seat and leaned down so they were face to face. “You’re sweet.” She gave him a gentle kiss. “You’re sexy.” Another kiss, this time on the corner of his lips. “And you fuck like a porn star.” One last kiss before she looked into his eyes. “And you’ll always have a friend in me.”

  His hand curled around her nape. “Promise?”

  She nodded. “Promise.”

  Marcus was just as much a part of the family as she was. No matter what, they would find a way to remain friends. No man had been able to put up with her for long. What he thought was sexy and exciting now would fade. He needed order and routine and control—those words weren’t part of her vocabulary. She would ride the wave for now and try to find herself before it ended.

  “I guess I’ll let you use my body then. That’s what good friends do, right?” he murmured.

  She ran a hand down his chest. “Yep. Whatever’s required. It’s in the best friend contract.”

  “What about the family contract?”

  “That means you put up with my craziness. You’re doing a damn good job so far.” Her phone beeped, and she straightened. “I have to pick up Maddie.”

  “Your future stepsister?”

  She shrugged. “She’s my sister now even though we’re waiting for them to get married.” She tucked her clutch under her arm and headed toward the exit. She paused beside the large lion fountain and bobbed her brows at Marcus. “We could have done crazy shit on this lion.”

  His eyes gleamed. “Next time.”

  “I’m counting on it,” she said as they left the penthouse.

  “Everything all right at the house?” he asked.

  “Everything’s great. Now that I’ve settled in, I can focus on other things. I want to start my pole classes again, see my friends, spend time with Lyla, get her out and about…”

  “You’re supposed to stay out of sight,” he reminded her mildly as they boarded the elevator.

  “I’ll let my security worry about that.” Because he looked concerned, she added, “I won’t take unnecessary risks.”


  The elevator doors opened, and Frederick and Mickey stepped in.

  “Hey, boys,” she said.

  Frederick didn’t respond, but Mickey winked at her as they traveled down to the ground floor. They strolled through the casino with Frederick and Mickey flanking them. They were passing the bar when someone called out to Marcus. He paused as a handsome, exotic-looking man held out a hand.

  “Best birthday bash ever,” he said as he shook Marcus’s hand.

  “You’re welcome. Khalid, this is Carmen Pyre. Carmen, this is our guest of honor. He’s visiting from Dubai and interested in some Pyre Casinos projects,” Marcus said.

  She shook Khalid’s hand. “Happy Birthday. Your bash had quite the guest list.”

  “Pyre?” Khalid echoed.

  “I was married to the former COO,” she said.

  Khalid nodded. “I see. Very nice to meet you. Where are you off to?”

  “I have an appointment,” she said.

  He gestured to the bar, which was packed with men. “Have a drink with us. I’m sure your appointment can wait.”

  She retracted her hand and gave him a plastic smile. “Sorry, I’m busy. I’m sure Marcus can find you some companions for the day.”

  Khalid handed her a black business card with gold script. “When you’re finished with your appointment, call me. I’ll be in town for the rest of the week.” He cocked his head. “Have you ever been to Dubai?”

  He was forward as fuck, not surprising since he was a billionaire. He thought she would fall at his feet or rearrange her life for a day with him. If he hadn’t dropped so much money for at Pyre Casinos for his birthday party, she would have told him to shove it. Instead, she took the card and slipped it into her back pocket.

  “I haven’t been to Dubai
yet. It’s on my list.” She elbowed Marcus. “We should go someday.”

  “Maybe we will,” Marcus said.

  Khalid looked between them before he inclined his head. “I’ll let you get to your appointment.”

  “And we’ll let you get back to celebrating,” she said and took Marcus’s arm. She waved at Khalid’s entourage who were watching avidly and continued along the heavily carpeted path. “We really should go to Dubai. You need to travel, and I can add another destination to my list.”

  “Does that happen a lot?”


  “Hitting on you?”

  She glanced at him. “Of course.”

  “Must get annoying.”

  She sighed dramatically. “A cross I have to bear.”

  “Gavin’s here.”

  She looked ahead and saw Gavin cutting a path through the crowd with Alice at his side. She was half running to keep up with his long strides. Gavin clearly wasn’t going to slow down for her, the jerk. Alice had a clipboard in hand and wore a long, hideous jean skirt with black leggings and a sweater vest. When Gavin spotted them, he stopped in his tracks. Alice stopped and looked to see what had captured Gavin’s attention. She spotted them and her mouth dropped open.

  Carmen gave Gavin a sunny smile. “Hey, psycho!”

  Marcus snickered while Gavin bared his teeth. “What the fuck is this?”

  “What’s what?” she asked, playing stupid and enjoying every moment.

  Gavin’s finger drifted between them. “This.” His voice dripped with venom.

  “We’re friends,” she said, sounding bewildered.

  “You’re touching him,” he said through clenched teeth. “You used to avoid him, and now you’re touching him, and it’s morning. What are you doing here so early?”

  “Didn’t Lyla tell you we’re living together?” she asked.

  Gavin looked like he chewed rocks for breakfast. “What the fuck, Marcus?”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Marcus said.

  “Don’t worry?” Gavin stepped up to Marcus and hissed, “You don’t know her like I do. She’ll ruin your life.”

  His words fractured her positive vibes. Did he mean if it hadn’t been for her, Vinny would still be here? She raised her clutch to bash him across the face, but Marcus pulled her back.