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Awakened by Sin Page 35

  “I’ll take care of this,” Marcus promised. “I have business to discuss with him, and you have an appointment.”

  She glared at Gavin over Marcus’s shoulder. “You’re going to pay for that,” she promised before she wrapped her arms around Marcus and gave him a long, deep kiss. “Thanks for last night, baby.”

  She turned and found Alice staring at her with bulging eyes. She hooked her arm through Alice’s and announced, “She’ll be gone the rest of the day.”

  “What? No, I—” Alice squeaked.

  “You need to talk to me about the auction, don’t you?” She turned to Marcus and Gavin and said, “All the proceeds for my donations will go to the Pyre Foundation. Alice and I haven’t discussed the details, which we’ll do at the salon. Toodles.”

  She dragged Alice toward the exit with Mickey leading the way.

  “Good news, you have some time off,” she said brightly to Alice. “I cleared it with your bosses. Don’t worry.”

  “Carmen, I couldn’t possibly—”

  “You can and will. We do need to talk about my donation, don’t we?”

  “Well, yes. I was just talking to Mr. Pyre about it before he noticed you and… Wait, you and Marcus?”

  Alice’s incredulous excitement raised her flagging spirits. She grinned. “Yup. He’s the best fuck. I’ll tell you about it while we get our nails done.”

  She ignored Alice’s scandalized gasp as they walked out of the casino and waited for their car to be brought around.

  “We’re swinging by the university to pick up my sister and then we’re going to the salon. You guys can get whatever you want done,” she said to Frederick and Mickey before she called Lyla. “Heya, I’m doing a girls’ day. You should come. You need to meet Maddie.”

  “Gavin’s calling me, and it hasn’t even been an hour since he left,” Lyla grumbled.

  “It’s about me. I just told him I’m fucking Marcus, and he said I would ruin his life.”

  “He what?” Lyla snapped. “Who you bang is none of his damn business!”

  “No worries. Marcus is tougher than you think. So, hair? Nails? Gossip? Salon?”

  “I’ll be there,” Lyla said before she hung up.

  “Excellent.” She texted her mom and Janice. “Do you know Janice’s schedule?”

  Alice shook her head as their SUV pulled up. Mickey opened the back door, and they climbed in. She let Maddie know they were on their way and turned to Alice, who was biting her nails.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You can’t just tell Marcus and Mr. Pyre that I’m going to get my nails done!” Alice burst out.

  “Why not?”

  “Because they’re my bosses.”

  “Technically, I’m also your boss,” she said casually. “I inherited Vinny’s shares, which means I own a piece of Pyre Casinos. I let them do what they want, but I can make their lives hell if I want to.” She shrugged. “But they know what they’re doing, so I don’t intervene.”

  “Y-you own a part of Pyre Casinos?” Alice asked faintly.


  “You and Mr. Pyre don’t seem to be on the best terms. I mean, if you wanted to, you could do major damage to…” Alice stopped, looking horrified. “I mean, not that you would—”

  “Hmm.” She tapped her lips. “You know, that’s a great idea.”

  “Oh, my gosh! I didn’t mean it like that!”

  “You’re right. I should make his life a living hell. How dare he say I’m going to ruin Marcus’s life? I have a good thing going, and he’s trying to take away my sex on tap. What an ass, right?” She pulled out her phone, which Alice snatched and hid behind her back. “Alice, give.”

  “Obviously, you know how to handle Mr. Pyre. You two have history. You’re family! Don’t take my advice.”

  “Fine. Noted. Now, give me my phone.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Sell my shares or blackmail Gavin into saying sorry.”

  Alice’s eyes bulged with panic. “You can’t! Oh my God!”

  She burst out laughing. “Alice, I’m kidding.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “I am. If I really wanted to hit him where it hurts, I’d take Lyla on vacation without telling him and set up cameras to watch him combust.” She held out a hand. “Gavin’s an ass, but I would never mess with Pyre Casinos. Business is business, and we both know that. Now, give.”

  “You promise?”

  “Yes.” When Alice extended the phone, she snatched it and saw that Janice and her mom were gonna meet her at the salon. “Girls’ day! Woohoo! I am feeling good, baby!” She leaned between the front seats. “What about you two? Feeling good?”

  “Fletcher put us up in a room. Nicest bed I ever slept on,” Mickey said.

  “What about you, Freddy?” she asked, poking him in the arm.

  “Fine,” he grunted.

  “You guys gonna get pedis?”

  “No,” Frederick snapped. “We’re trained guards, not pansies.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  She sat back and rolled down her window as they pulled up to the university. Maddie sat on the stairs with ripped jeans, a baseball cap, and her nose buried in a book.

  “Maddie!” she hollered, making a bunch of college kids look around. She winked at a cutie who could be a double for Justin Bieber before she moved over so Maddie could get in.

  “Hey, baby, what’s shakin’?”

  Maddie eyed her. “You’re happy.”

  Alice leaned forward so she could inform Maddie, “She’s dating Marcus.”

  “Banging, not dating,” she corrected as she took off Maddie’s cap and ran her hands through her hair. “You’re a virgin, aren’t you?”

  Maddie jerked. “What?”

  Alice elbowed her in the ribs. “Leave her be, Carmen. I am too, Maddie. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “I meant her hair is virgin,” she said and elbowed Alice back. “You want to do something to your hair?”

  “Do something?”

  She fluffed her own blazing red hair, which needed a touch-up. “You want to be a mermaid, a unicorn, a Playboy bunny? What are kids doing these days?”

  “I wouldn’t know,” Maddie said.

  “What do you mean? You’re in college. You’re boarding, surrounded by your peers. What are your classmates doing?”

  Maddie shrugged. “I don’t really pay attention. I just study.”

  “You don’t have friends?” she asked and got another elbow in the ribs, which really fucking hurt. “Will you cut that out? I’m already sore.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Alice said, instantly contrite. “What happened?”

  “Marcus is a beast. That’s what happened.” She turned back to Maddie. “What’s the deal?”

  “Marcus hit you?” Maddie looked outraged. “Dad will kill him.”

  She wanted to throw her hands up in exasperation. Mickey turned in his seat to watch the drama. The grin on his face said he knew exactly why she was bruised and couldn’t wait to hear the juicy details.

  “He didn’t hit me. We just went at it like a bunch of animals. It was fabulous,” she said airily.

  Alice made a faint wheezing sound. Maddie looked relieved.

  “So? What kind of hair or nails do you want?” she persisted.

  “I don’t know.” Maddie picked up Carmen’s hand and examined her nails, which were grown out. “What are you going to do?”

  “I still love the red, but I may add highlights or something. We’ll see what Shonda says. She’s the hair queen.”

  “I guess I’ll get a trim,” Alice said.

  “Whoa, calm down,” she said dryly. “You don’t want highlights? What about layers?”

  Alice shifted uncomfortably. “No, I think a trim will be just fine.”

  She badgered her all the way to the salon because she enjoyed seeing Alice riled, and sooner or later, Alice would give in to a makeover. When she entered the sal
on, she found it empty. Shonda had cleared her schedule for them. She did air kisses with Shonda and Keenan and had a glass of champagne in her hand within five minutes. Mom and Janice arrived at the same time, followed shortly by Lyla, Blade, Nora, and an entourage of no less than ten guards.

  “Marcus told me I had to attend a meeting with you two,” Janice said, eyes sparkling. “What’s the deal?”

  “I wanted a girls’ day, my treat,” Carmen said.

  “But what we really need to discuss is the art items she donated to be auctioned off,” Alice said primly.

  “Those pieces are amazing. I can’t believe you’re giving them up,” Janice said.

  “It’s for a good cause.” She hugged her mom and snatched Nora who wore adorable overalls with a white long-sleeve with tiaras and diamonds on it. “Oh, my baby! Why are you so cute?!” She gnawed on Nora’s neck, which made her shriek in delight.

  “Hey, girls.” Lyla hugged Alice and Janice before turning to Maddie. “Nice to meet you, Maddie.”

  Maddie looked a little dazed as she shook her hand. “Nice to meet you too. You’re married to Gavin Pyre.”

  Lyla’s mouth curved. “That’s me.”

  Maddie’s eyes flicked to all the guards. “Is that why you have so much security? Because you’re rich?”

  Lyla’s mouth twitched. “Gavin’s over the top. You’ll meet him later, when he’s not on edge and psycho.”

  “Psycho?” Maddie echoed warily.

  “He’s a lot, but you’ll get used to him. Carmen tells me you’re going to school for hotel management and business.”


  “I’ll tell Gavin to give you a spot if you’re interested. I used to work for his father, Manny. He was amazing.”

  Alice, Janice, and her mother were deep in conversation, which left Carmen with Nora. She hugged her goddaughter close.

  “Pretty girl,” she cooed and nibbled on her fingers.

  “I thought we would get action with this job, but nothing’s happened,” Frederick grumbled.

  She turned and saw Blade standing near the door with Frederick and Mickey while the other guards milled around outside.

  “This job may be over soon,” Blade said in his neutral tone. “Roman’s been rounding them up quicker than expected.”

  “I heard it’s not just the Black Vipers he’s been working on, but several gangs,” Mickey said eagerly.

  “He hasn’t wasted time declaring war on the city,” Blade said. “He also had a group of men arrive from New York, and they’re proved to be very effective.”

  “And we’re missing out,” Frederick grumbled.

  “I’m fine,” Mickey said.

  “Don’t get complacent. Carmen’s a handful. If it wasn’t this thing with the Black Vipers, it would be something else,” Blade said. “She’s a magnet for trouble.”

  “Blade, you know you love me!” she called.

  He walked over to her and crossed his arms. “I heard it took two shots to put Maddog down. You need to train more.”

  She glared. “Do I get to use you as a target?”

  “If it would improve your aim. Two shots is pathetic. Your father would be embarrassed.”

  “Don’t talk about my father!”

  “Then don’t give me something to talk about. You need to come to the house for more training.”

  “I got the guy in the desert with one shot!”

  “At point blank range. A blind man could have taken him out.”

  She bared her teeth at him. “I’m busy.”

  “Fucking around with Marcus?” He shook his head. “It’ll never work out.”

  “Since you and Gavin share the same brain, I’m not surprised you think so. But both of you fail to realize that we’re not in a relationship. We’re just friends.”

  “Friends,” Blade repeated in a flat tone of voice that said he didn’t believe her.

  “Yes, friends with benefits. You should look into it. I think you’re going numb below the waist.” She let her eyes drop to his crotch and sighed. “That would be a shame. Women could write sonnets about that cock. You’re packing.”

  His eyes narrowed. “It works fine.”

  “How would you know? When’s the last time you got laid?”

  “I find the time.”

  “Is it the cook?” she stage-whispered.

  A muscle ticked in his cheek. “She’s fifty.”

  “Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

  “Carmen, you ready?” Shonda called.

  “Yeah!” She handed Nora to Blade and patted his chest. “Take care of the baby, Daddy.”

  She skipped over to her seat and jumped when Janice came running across the salon wearing a cape with her hair dripping wet.

  “You and Marcus?” Janice shrieked.


  Janice jumped up and down and nearly fell because stilettos wasn’t built for such exercise. “Holy shit! I’m so happy for you.”

  “Friends with benefits, Janice.”

  “Is he good?”

  “Good? You think I’d bother with just good? I’m insulted.”

  Janice clapped her hands together. “I knew it! He’s a god, isn’t he? Tell me he’s raw and sexy and tells you to call him daddy.”

  She grinned. “Yes, yes, and we’ll work on the last.”

  Keenan stomped over. “Missy, you’re dripping everywhere.”

  “Sorry, I had to get the scoop.” Janice winked at her. “I want details later.”

  “New man?” Shonda asked with a broad grin.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Tell Shonda all about it.”

  She moaned as she climbed into the steaming bathtub. Spending the day at the salon with friends and family was just what the doctor ordered. It didn’t take long for Maddie to relax. Marv and Levi had neglected Maddie’s female education, so she and Mom stepped in to help her catch up. They chatted, ordered in food, and gossiped. Because Alice felt so guilty for taking the day off, a portion of their time was dedicated to discussing the upcoming auction. She noted the date and would send out some emails to people she knew who coveted those pieces. She wondered if Alice realized that they could easily raise half a million dollars with what she’d given. Janice would handle the press, and it would be good all around. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to attend the event. The memories connected to each piece were still there, and she was trying to move on.

  Her body still ached, but the champagne had gone a long way to making her forget about it. Janice grilled her mercilessly about Marcus’s performance. She didn’t give a blow-by-blow, but she told her Marcus was more than up to the challenge of keeping up with her. Marcus was extremely private, and she didn’t want to betray his trust. He might be one of the most complicated men she had ever met, which made him so intriguing. She liked layers and the different facets of a person’s personality. It was what made everyone unique. In her experience, men were simple creatures, but Marcus wasn’t. Unlike most men, he didn’t try to assert his dominance, and he wasn’t interested in being acknowledged for his accomplishments. He kept everything close to his chest, and she liked that. It meant he could be trusted.

  She left the tub when she drifted off. She fluffed her hair and examined it in the mirror. Shonda had outdone herself. Her hair was now a swirl of ruby and rose that was dreamy and romantic. She was obsessed with it. Her nails were a matching dusty rose that suited her mellow mood.

  Her phone rang as she slapped on moisturizer. She answered with her elbow. “Hey, Luci.”

  “Please tell me you’re coming to visit.”

  “Not yet.”

  “New York’s so dull without Angel, and now he’s so busy I barely hear from him. It’s not fair that he’s having so much fun. Distract me. Tell me something exciting.”

  “Hmm. Today, Cormac asked me what kind of ring I want.”



  “I don’t think I heard you right.”
  “You did.”

  “But I thought you were banging the COO.”

  “I am.”

  “You’re doing both of them? You can’t have two! That’s not allowed!”

  “Says who?”

  “Me! You can’t do my Cormac like that.”

  “He’s a whore.”

  “Don’t talk about my man like that! He’s my whore.”

  She laughed. “A reporter asked about us, and he was joking around.”

  Luci let out an audible breath. “What’d you ask for?”

  “A six-carat pink diamond.”

  Luci whistled. “If they’re gonna ask what you want, you should definitely ask for the best.”

  “Amen, sister.”

  She chatted with Luci as she finished her nighttime routine and climbed into bed in a pair of lacy hipsters. She bit back a moan as she slid between the luxurious sheets.

  “I’ll visit, I promise,” she said before she hung up. She tossed her phone on the nightstand, hugged a pillow to her chest, and yawned.

  She awakened a couple of hours later when a body wrapped around her.

  “It’s me,” Marcus rumbled.

  She relaxed instantly and allowed herself to be drawn against his bare chest. “What time is it?”


  She groaned and tossed her leg over his and got comfortable. He ran his hand over her body and kissed her neck.

  “You’re okay?” he murmured.

  She grunted in reply, and he chuckled.


  Three Months Later

  “How’s it going with you and Marcus?” Lyla asked as they strolled through the mall.

  “It’s going great.”

  “God, I love him. I’m so happy you guys are together.”

  “We’re not—”

  “Yeah, yeah. You’re friends with benefits. How many times are you gonna say that?”

  “As many times as it takes for you to get it.”

  “You and Marcus aren’t friends with benefits.”

  “We are!”

  “You’re in a relationship. Why are you two dancing around it?”

  “We’re just having fun.”

  “Oh, my God, you’re killing me,” Lyla groaned. “You care about him. You talk about him all the time, and you freaking play house.”