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Awakened by Sin Page 37

  “Excuse me?”

  “You want me.”

  He finished his cake and licked frosting off his thumb while he stared at her. She ignored her squirming insides.

  “I don’t want you.” Her voice didn’t come out as nonchalant as she wanted.

  “You do,” he said with an arrogance that made her want to slap him.

  “You know what I really want?”

  He tensed. “What?”

  “More of this cake.” She held his gaze as she forked up a piece and opened her mouth wider than necessary to accept the spongy piece of heaven. Angel watched silently as she chewed and hummed in delight. Her tongue flicked out to catch a smear of frosting on the fork.

  “You’re fucking with me,” he growled.

  She grinned, unable to hold a straight face. “You deserve it.”

  He dropped the easygoing façade and stepped into her space. She had to lock her muscles against the instinctive urge to retreat. He was so close that she could smell his cologne. Clean, fresh, inviting. It didn’t match the man who wore it. He should be wearing something spicy, musky, with bite.

  His eye contact was so direct that it felt like a physical touch. She stared into dark, fathomless blue. His beast was in his eyes. Being around Gavin for over a decade, she should have been immune to Angel’s brash sex appeal. He was his own brand of psycho in a pretty package. On the surface, he appeared as affable as Marcus, but she knew better. He had a cruel streak that made him the perfect candidate to bring Las Vegas to heel.

  “You wanted what I gave that slut.”

  His coarse words matched the dark hunger in his eyes.

  She gave a one-shoulder shrug. “I’m not into group sex.”

  “What are you into?”

  “You’ll never know, will you?”

  They stared at one another, a silent battle of wills. She refused to walk away. She wasn’t a weakling, and she wouldn’t bow down to him because of his title.

  “I was letting off steam after a few kills,” he said in a goaded tone.

  That explained his pathological behavior that night. “Well, I hope that got you off.”

  “It didn’t.”

  The implication was obvious. He was still hungry. She felt warmer than she had a minute ago. “What a shame.”

  “Yes,” he drawled as his eyes traveled over her face and landed on her lips. “You made your point at Lux.”

  “So did you. You can’t have everything you want, Roman.”

  “Fletcher can’t handle you.”

  “He’s handling me just fine.” His energy cloyed the air and made the sweet cream of her dessert taste like dirt. She took a step back. “Well, I better get—”

  “Not up to the challenge, Carmen?”

  He was baiting her. Again. He thought he could provoke her into a night of angry, dirty sex? “I don’t see a reward worth fighting for,” she said tartly.

  He clutched his chest. “Not nice, Carmen.”

  “You aren’t either.”

  “No, I’m not nice, but you already know that.” He lowered his voice. “Come with me.”

  Goose bumps traveled over her skin. “I’m with Marcus.”

  “You said you’re friends.”

  “Yes. Friends with benefits.”

  “Then what does it matter?”

  “We’re exclusive… friends,” she said lamely.

  He raised a brow. “Exclusive friends? He doesn’t even have the balls to claim you for himself? Why are you wasting your time?”

  “You think I would give up what I have so you can do me dirty and leave me when you’re bored?”

  “What makes you think I’d get bored?”

  “Because I’m a hunter too,” she said quietly. “I love the chase and know the disappointment when it’s over.”

  “Then why are you with Fletcher?”

  “Because he’s the unattainable.” Marcus didn’t give himself freely, and because of that, he was a prize. He was too good for the likes of her, but she would steep herself in him as long as he allowed it.

  “You’re taking the safe route.” His eyes roved over her face. “How disappointing. We could have helped each other out.”

  “I’m getting mine. And I’m sure you have a plethora of volunteers to do whatever you want in bed.”

  “Yes, I’ve made my way through some of the best-looking women the town has to offer. A good selection.” His eyes slid down her body. “But not quite what I’m looking for. He won’t be able to give you what you need. You know that, right?”

  “He already is.”

  “For now, but your need for more will come back, and when it does, he won’t be able to satisfy you. Wild doesn’t go away, Carmen. You’re with a guy who’s more focused on business than you.”

  “Marcus is responsible for thousands of jobs and billions in revenue.”

  He shook his head. “You think you’re safe because you’re with him, but you can still get burned.”

  “What are you talking about?” She saw movement over his shoulder and spotted Marcus watching them. “My ride’s here.”

  “When you’re ready, you know where I live.”

  His words drifted to her as she walked toward Marcus.

  “Everything all right?” Marcus asked, but his gaze wasn’t on her.

  “Yes, are you hungry?”

  “Lyla made me something to take home.”

  “Great. You ready to leave?” She took his arm and pulled him toward the house, but he didn’t move. She turned back and saw he was staring at Angel. She yanked on his arm. “Marcus.”

  He glanced at her, his face hard and so unlike the easygoing man she’d come to know. He glanced once more at Angel before he followed her in the house. What the fuck was that? She came here to chill, not for drama. She dropped the plate with the half-eaten cake on the counter and towed Marcus through the living room where Gavin and Lyla sat on the couch. Gavin had his arm around her while she leaned into him. They weren’t talking; they were soaking each other in. She missed that—the familiarity one had after being together for years. God, she had to get out of here.

  “Thanks for dinner,” she said as she kissed Lyla on her head and completely ignored Gavin. “Call me if you need anything before you leave for Bora Bora.”

  She didn’t release Marcus until she walked out of the house. Mickey broke off from some guards and headed to the SUV.

  “She’ll ride with me,” Marcus said.

  She didn’t argue. She slid into the Audi while he placed his takeout bag in the back seat. It smelled delicious. It wasn’t until they were on the open road that he spoke.

  “What were you and Angel talking about?”

  Fucking Gavin and Angel ruined her perfect night. “Nothing. He was just being an ass.”

  “About what?”

  She reached for his free hand and laced their fingers together. “Nothing important. I’m glad you made it.”

  “I tried to leave earlier, but some things came up.”

  “Well, I didn’t give you much notice …” But Gavin made it. She pushed that petty thought away. Marcus wasn’t obligated to attend unplanned dinner parties she sprung on him without warning.

  “I have a business dinner coming up in a few days,” he said, interrupting her thoughts. “You remember that businessman from Dubai? Khalid?”


  “He’s interested in buying one of the towers we’re building for homeowners.”

  She pondered that for a moment. “It’s still under construction.”


  “He wants it badly enough to buy without seeing it completed?”



  “He wants to start doing business in Las Vegas, and there’s very limited real estate on The Strip.”

  “What does Gavin think about that?”

  His mouth curved. “The towers were my idea in the first place, and now that it’s drawing people like Khalid, he’s pissed
at me.”

  “He’s allowing you to negotiate this deal?”

  “We haven’t talked hard numbers yet. Khalid has a lot of connections in the business world and may be an excellent partner in future, which is why we’re willing to talk to him.”

  “Good luck.”

  “I want you to come with me to the dinner we’re having with his associates.”

  She glanced at him. “Really?”

  “Yes. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “Of course not.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Great. I’ve been following Khalid’s career for years. It’s an honor to talk to him and potentially do business with him in future.”

  Marcus spoke of Khalid’s many accomplishments for the rest of the drive. She listened with half an ear as Gavin and Angel’s words needled her. When they reached home, he went to the office while she got ready for bed. The night didn’t exactly end on a high note. She felt uncomfortable and restless. Even the TV show Psych couldn’t improve her mood.

  She lay curled around a pillow on the edge of the bed, lost in her head. No one believed she and Marcus were compatible. She hadn’t either, but with each passing week, she’d begun to believe that he might be the only other man on the planet capable of handling her. So what if they weren’t technically dating? Their foundation was better than what most married couples had. It was companionship at its best, and it worked for them.

  She was happy and satisfied… or had been before Gavin and Angel attacked their arrangement. Angel was so sure her restlessness would return. He had changed in the short amount of time he had been in Las Vegas. He arrived with an eager cockiness that had faded to something much darker. The underworld was taking its toll on him. That’s why his craving was so bad. He was insatiable. Nothing was keeping him topped up.

  Marcus entered the bedroom. Her eyes followed him into the bathroom where he stripped. She liked that he was dedicated to his job. Work was an intrinsic part of him. He had no guidance in his life, yet he showed such compassion and patience. He made something of himself, and that should be celebrated. Knowing how little he had in his past, she went out of her way to do little things for him. She hung photos of travel destinations to tempt him to see the rest of the world. She appreciated his fashion sense, so she bought him ties and shirts, which he could never have enough of. Every time she gave him something, he got the strangest look on his face. At first, she thought she had overstepped, but he had worn everything she got him, so she continued to give him presents.

  He walked into the bedroom in just his boxer briefs. She shifted to make room and laughed when he hopped on the bed and tucked her close. He buried his face in her hair.

  “I like the way you smell,” he said. “Candy and sex.”

  “Well, you know I love classy sin.”

  He tipped her on her back while he rested on his side, looking down at her. She reached up and traced his features.

  “Did you buy the necklace you showed me earlier today?” he asked.

  Her hand paused. “No, I decided not to.”


  She continued her exploration. “I don’t know.”

  “You must have loved it if you took a picture of it.”

  He’s not Vinny. She flinched as Gavin’s words drifted through her mind. “Maybe I’ll get it in the future.”

  As she stroked his face, his eyes closed. She ran her hands through his hair and then cupped his neck. She massaged, and he dropped his head forward to give her better access. Her hands moved to his shoulders. When he lay heavily on her, breathing slow and easy, she stopped. She wrapped her arms around him and soaked in his scent, weight, and warmth. This was all she needed—a partner who understood and accepted her. He had made the weeks since she awakened more than bearable; he had made them sweet and light. She’d done what Mom said. She found things that made her happy and spent as much time as possible doing them. The pain was still there, but it was beaten back by Marcus’s warm generosity.

  “What were you talking to Angel about?”


  He lifted his head. “Angel.”

  His voice was calm, but his eyes were moody. He wasn’t confrontational. If she learned anything about him, it was that he was the calm voice of reason in every situation. She was shocked he was bringing this up.

  “You were angry, and he was standing very close to you,” he continued when she didn’t speak.

  “It was nothing,” she said.

  “Tell me what he said.”

  “I asked him about the Black Vipers,” she said slowly, trying to come up with an answer that wouldn’t offend him.


  Her eyes flicked away as she tried to buy time. He cupped her chin in a firm but gentle grip. His thumb slid over her bottom lip.

  “Tell me.”

  “He doesn’t think we’ll last.” His eyes narrowed, and she tacked on, “To be fair, Gavin doesn’t think so either.”

  “Gavin’s extra hostile toward you. Why?”

  The last time she and Gavin had been civil to one another was when Vinny was alive. After Vinny died, their relationship disintegrated. He blamed her for Vinny’s death and rightly so. He’d never said it out loud, but he didn’t have to. He also blamed her for taking Lyla from him the first time. He believed they could have worked it out after she discovered his infidelity. Maybe, but her loyalty was to her cousin, not him.

  “Bad history,” she said.

  “So, Angel said he doesn’t think we’ll last and you got in his face?”

  “Kind of. I said I was happy.” She waited for a comment. When she got none, she shifted restlessly beneath him. “He was just being an ass. He wants what he can’t have.”

  “He made a play for you.” His tone was flat.

  “I told him we were exclusive, that I wasn’t interested.” When he said nothing, she added, “It’s mostly the chase.”

  “Is it?”

  “What else could it be?”

  He brushed her hair back from her face. “Any man would covet you. It has nothing to do with the chase. That’s just a bonus.”

  “You didn’t chase me.”

  He raised a brow. “Every opening I had, I took it.”

  She blinked. “But you… you were just at the right place at the right time.”

  His expression eased, and he grinned. “You’re so cute.”

  He kissed her on the nose, and she scowled.

  “I’m not cute. I’m a killer!”

  “You’re adorable,” he murmured as he brushed kisses over her face. “I told you I wanted you before I met you.”

  “But…” She tried to hang onto the conversation when he was drowning her in affection. “You didn’t make any moves! I made all of them!”

  He smiled. “Yes, you did.”

  She shoved against his shoulders. “I can’t believe this! You—”

  He covered her mouth with his and pinned her arms above her head. When she jerked her head to the side, his mouth moved to her neck and sucked.

  “You needed time, so I gave it to you,” he said quietly. “But I always intended to be right here.”

  “That’s not possible!”

  “It is.” He raised his head and looked down at her. “And it was worth the wait.”

  Her chest locked. “I didn’t want to like you.”

  “I know.” He rested his forehead on hers. “But you do.”

  She closed her eyes as conflicting emotions tumbled through her. “I don’t know how I would have done this without you.”

  “You would have found a way, but I’m glad to be a part of it.”

  “You don’t think I’m too much?”

  “You are, but I like it,” he murmured as he lifted her nightgown. “Roman can look all he wants as long as he doesn’t touch.”


  She stepped back from the vanity and posed in black lingerie and high heels. All she had to do was slip into her slinky black dress and she would be read
y for the business dinner with Marcus. It had been a long week, and she was in the mood to let loose. Maybe she could seduce him in his suite after dinner. The fact that Lyla wasn’t in town niggled at the back of her mind. She would have visited her mother, but she was on her cabin trip in the woods. Maddie was elbow deep in homework, and Marcus had been busy all week. She kept herself busy by working out, visiting Cormac at the gym, having dinner with Janice and Alice, and volunteering at the dog shelter. These things distracted her but didn’t cancel out her growing anxiety.

  The beginning strains of restlessness were coming back. Ever since her confrontation with Angel, she couldn’t get his words out of her mind. It was almost as if he was deliberately summoning her demons to wreak hell on her. The best remedy was to go on a trip. She made a reservation at a gorgeous resort in Laguna Beach. She and Marcus were going to sit in the sun, get massages, and swim in the ocean. She couldn’t wait.

  “If you wear that, no one will be able to concentrate.”

  She jumped and saw Marcus standing in the bathroom doorway.

  “I didn’t know you were coming by!” She rushed to him and lifted her face for a kiss. He planted a deep one on her with enough heat to make her nails dig into his back.

  “You’re almost ready?” he asked gruffly when he raised his head.

  “Yup! Just need to put on my dress.”

  “Great.” He gave her another kiss and stepped back. “I have a surprise for you. I wanted to make sure you wear it tonight.”

  Her heart skipped. “Surprise?”

  “You’re always surprising me with gifts.” He reached down and picked up a small bag she hadn’t noticed and handed it to her. “I think you’ll like it.”

  She pulled a large velvet box out of the bag and stared at him. “What’s this?”

  He took it from her and opened it. Nestled on black velvet was the diamond necklace fit for a royal. She backed up with her hands over her mouth. She stared at him, astounded and slightly horrified.

  “You bought this for me?” she whispered.


  She shook her head. “You can’t!”

  “But I did.” He pulled the necklace from the box and came toward her.

  She backed up until the mermaid statue forced her to stop. “You must have paid a fortune.”